Study Abroad in Italy Programs
Presented at the 2012 NAFSA Conference and Expo.

Presented at the 2012 NAFSA Conference and Expo.
An opportunity to showcase the schools in Florence and Rome
The participation at the NAFSA 2012 annual conference (May 28 - June 1, 2012) that was held in Houston, Texas (USA) provided the Accademia Italiana an opportunity to showcase the exchange programs active between the Italian schools (in Florence and in Rome) and the US universities offering study abroad in Italy programs directed at the various sectors of the Accademia Italiana that include liberal arts, business, Italian language and culture as well as, of course, the programs in art, fashion and design.
The Accademia Italiana, in the past years, has increased its offerings in academic exchange allowing US university students the opportunity to enjoy important international experience that include research and study together with Italian and international students.
Universities and students wishing further information on the exchange programs and study abroad in Italy programs may contact the US representative, Tamara Mihalap (e-mail: [email protected]) directly.
It is possible to request a campus visit from the US representative or to set up a visit at the schools in Florence and or Rome.