The best schools
Fashion, Design and Photography in Europe and in Italy

Fashion, Design and Photography in Europe and in Italy
It is therefore necessary to reflect on the qualitative standards of teaching and levels of learning achieved, through specific monitoring and analysis of these types of programs. A design school should have clear objectives and concrete outcomes for the courses it offers.
For this reason a school such as the Accademia Italiana, a leader in the artistic fields (including fashion, industrial design, interior design, graphic design and photography), offers an academic program in which a Bachelor’s degree in design must meet specific objectives based on input from the design sectors. In this way a design school becomes an incubator for projects that are relevant and applicable at the national and international level.
In Italy, Europe and the world the objectives, briefly listed here, should be to:
- Empower young designers so that they are able to continue their professional development within the industry, by providing them with the necessary tools;
- Offer expertise and a working knowledge of advanced technologies and commercial and cultural realities so that they can carry out targeted creative interventions;
- Provide young designers with personal skills relating to communication, self-management, problem solving and time management;
- Develop independent thought and strong skills of analysis that can be applied to the development and management of projects, so that the whole creative process can be managed with confidence and determination;
- Provide young designers with appropriate skills to create a solid professional basis from which they can discuss and defend their ideas and decisions in a professional environment;
- Develop young designers’ ability to envision the entire life cycle of a product, whether relating to industrial design or fashion.
The Accademia Italiana, a school of art, fashion and design, combines theory and practice in an integrated program for the study of artistic and design disciplines (fashion, interior and product design, textile design, window display design, graphic design, photography).
This program, following numerous evaluations carried out at the European level, has proven that the Accademia is one of the best institutes of its kind in Italy and in Europe for its ability to produce measurable results in the design sectors in which it was evaluated.
This evaluation has highlighted the meeting of the creative phase of design, often emphasized in schools, with the marketing of the product, which requires a systematic and concrete approach to promotion.
The Accademia Italiana acts as a trailblazer, playing the role of a generator of ideas which is often shared with other institutions, universities and European and international schools of art, design, fashion and photography.
The institute’s departments have on various occasions promoted opportunities for European research and developed new training courses created to benefit design schools operating in Europe.