Study Italian language and a course of art or design
Summer Courses Special 2016

Summer Courses Special 2016
The Accademia Italiana in Florence and in Rome this year offers the opportunity to foreign students interested in attending a course of Italian language together with one of the summer courses in art, fashion, design or photography with a special 30% discount on the tuition fees of both courses for all students enrolling before May 27, 2016.
This exclusive offer for the summer campus is designed to encourage students interested in Italian language who would also like the opportunity to experience a stimulating course in art, fashion, design or photography in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Florence or Rome.
Courses offered in the 2016 Summer Campus are:
Accademia Italiana Rome
Interior Design (40 hours from July 1 to 29)
Fashion Illustration (40 hours from June 1 to 30 or from July 1 to 29)
Fashion Design (90 hours from June 1 to 30 or from July 1 to 29)
Drawing and Painting (40 or 80 hours from June 1 to 30 or from July 1 to 29)
Italian language (40 or 80 hours from June 1 to 30 or from July 1 to 29)
Accademia Italiana Florence
Interior Design (40 hours from July 1 to 29)
Fashion Illustration (40 hours from June 1 to 30 or from July 1 to 29)
Fashion Design (90 hours from June 1 to 30 or from July 1 to 29)
Drawing and Painting (40 or 80 hours from June 1 to 30 / from July 1 to 29 / from August 1 to 31)
Photography (40 hours from July 1 to 29)
Photographing Florence (40 hours from June 13 to July 22)
Italian Product Design (75 hours from June 13 to July 22)
Italian Language (40 or 80 hours from June 1 to 30 / from July 1 to 29 / from August 1 to 31)
For further information please contact the secretary's office in Rome or in Florence as follows:
Accademia Italiana Rome: tel. +39 06 6880 9333 e-mail: [email protected]
Accademia Italiana Florence: tel. +39 055 284616 e-mail: [email protected]