“I design Connubia” competition awards Chiara Sorgato

The young brand of the Calligaris Group selected our student for the Smart Design category.

“I design Connubia” competition awards Chiara Sorgato

The young brand of the Calligaris Group selected our student for the Smart Design category.

Presented at the Accademia Italiana last December, the competition “I design Connubia” immediately fascinated our students on the three-year undergraduate degree program in Interior and Product Design.
Connubia, the young and dynamic brand of the Calligaris Group, under the creative direction of Archirivolto, proposed a project dedicated to innovation and sustainability, in which the latter, took into consideration not only the ecological aspects but also the social, cultural and aesthetic ones, paying particular attention to new ways of living in the home.
Almost an appeal to find intelligent solutions to all those problems related to a lack of space, to residential nomadism, to smart working, to the need to have multifunctional areas giving special care to the style and to the choice of the materials.

And it was precisely by adhering firmly to these requirements that Chiara Sorgato, a recent graduate in Interior and Product Design at the Florence headquarters of the Accademia Italiana, was awarded the Smart Design category with her Studix project – a desk for working (almost) wherever you want.
Bearing in mind the difficulties that each of us encountered during the lockdown – perhaps spent in a small apartment shared with other people, as happened to many students – Chiara thought of an object that was much more than a fold-up desk.
A home office of minimal design, bright colors and practical shelves, adaptable to all types of interiors and easily closed.
Studix encompasses all the elements sought after by the brand in the competition, blending them perfectly with the general image of Connubia: fresh, dynamic, contemporary and affordable.


Chiara’s experience is just one of the numerous that each year many of our students liveparticipating in the activities promoted or proposed ad hoc by the Accademia Italiana to ensure that besides the theoretical teaching, opportunities for exchange and interaction with professionals in the field are provided for each degree program.