Awards and praise for the Costume Design program

Awards and praise for the Costume Design program

Saturday, September 10, the theater production of The Nose, by Gogol, was played by the theater company "Il cerchio invisibile" (the invisible circle) directed by Sandro Nardi, winning a series of awards at the Castrocaro Festival, including best show 2011, best set design and best costume design.

The Costumes, developed in yet another successful collaboration between the theater company and the Accademia Italiana, were designed under the guidance of Prof. Paola Tosti, Costume designer and professor of Costume design, and were created by students of the first year program: Matilde Finezzo, Nicole Pasini, Valentina Rampazzi and Sara Vangi.
Sets were designed by Amedeo D'Amicis, set designer who has also taught at the Accademia Italiana Rome.

The awards received in this show represent the first fruits reaped by our students, an immense satisfaction for the Accademia Italiana, the international fashion and design school that as always considers professional practice one of the most important elements that differentiates the Institute from the other schools.

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