Palazzo Temple Leader opens
To the participants of “Corri la vita”

To the participants of “Corri la vita”
Only a few people know that the elegant building just across from the Pitti Palace, headquarters of our school, carries the name of a refined British nobleman, Sir John Temple Leader, who bought it in 1857 and added the characteristic roof-top terrace.
Participants in the "Corri la Vita" foot race will have the opportunity to have a look inside as this charity event, held each year during the month of September, aims to reunite Florentines with their city and with places that generally remain off-limits.
The routes, leaving from Piazza Vittorio Veneto on September 24, are two: one that is 11 km and the other 5.5 km. Together with other historic buildings, churches and museums the Temple Leader Building will open its doors to the "runners" in blue t-shirts. Lof