A School with a View, the new motivational break cycle of talks

An hour with architects, sustainable designers, photographers, communicators

A School with a View, the new motivational break cycle of talks

An hour with architects, sustainable designers, photographers, communicators

Eight open lectures with professionals and innovators on lunch break. On Tuesdays from March to May, in the panoramic Loggia overlooking piazza Pitti, let yourself being insipred by the personalities who have been able to look beyond the limits of their profession on the themes of design, fashion and communication.

It goes by the name “A school with a View” the new open cycle of talks of Accademia Italiana for alternative lunch breaks. The professionals and innovators will keep you company on Tuesdays of March, April and May, revealing what it means to be innovative in the field of design, fashion and communication.


Temple Leader Palace in piazza Pitti 15 will host the motivational break in the panoramic Loggia overlooking Palazzo Pitti, residence of the Medici family and birthplace of made in Italy haute couture.

The “vision” given by the meetings will not only be panoramic of one of the beauties of Florence, but also on the speaker's ability of looking beyond the limits of their profession.


The first event will be on March 7th at 1pm with Marco and Luca Baldini, Founders of Q-bic, a well–established company in the world of design and architecture, involved in regeneration and restyling projects across Italy. Q-bic Studio is currently involved in the renovation of Accademia Italiana’s campus.


These are the next appointments with the motivational break “A School with a View”:



7th Luca e Marco Baldini - Architects & Founders @Studio Q-bic / Design

14th Enrico Stefanelli - Founder & Director @Photolux Festival / Photography

28th Francesca Rulli - CEO & Founder @4sustainability / Fashion



4ht Silvia Gambi - Founder @SoloModaSostenibile/ Fashion



2nd Federico Piccirillo - Content Creator @Domestika / Graphic

9th Tommaso Valente - CEO & Co-Founder @Mirror / Design

16th Luca Mazzoncini - Creative Director & Director @Diaframma / Graphic

23rd Veronica Nicolardi - Director @Cortona On the Move / Photography


For info and bookings please write to [email protected] .


Click here to watch all the talks of the professionals and innovators.

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