Students party in Florence
To celebrate the opening of the academic year

To celebrate the opening of the academic year
An exhibition of works by the Accademia Italiana fashion and design students will be on display during the most significant event in the Italian panorama of electronic music and images, the annual Nextech Festival, which is held in the visually stunning setting of the Stazione Leopolda in Florence each September.
The exhibition will be set up inside the Stazione Leopolda and will be open to visitors over the entire Festival, from September 16th through 18th, 2010.
The students' party opening the 2010/2011 Academic Year of the Florence design school will also be held within the Nextech Festival at the Stazione Leopolda.
The Accademia Italiana inauguration party will coincide with the first day of the Festival on September 16, 2010 from 10pm on.
For further details please contact the secretary's office at the Accademia Italiana, Nextech Festival official web site.