Accademia Italiana students present their projects to Swatch Italy executives
Visit by Laura Burdese, CEO of Swatch Italy, and Claudia Cannone, Creative Director of Swatch Group Italy

Visit by Laura Burdese, CEO of Swatch Italy, and Claudia Cannone, Creative Director of Swatch Group Italy
On occasion of the visit by Laura Burdese, CEO of Swatch Italy, and Claudia Cannone, Creative Director of Swatch Group Italy, under the coordination of the professors Fadi Bassil and Walter Conti, the students presented a series of projects.
Below is a short briefing of the meeting:
In the ANSA press release, "Fashion: Accademia Italiana. Students meet the heads of Swatch" communicated on the Tuscany Region website, the themes of the projects were presented. "Creativity and Industry: these were the themes dealt with in the meeting organised by the Accademia Italiana, the school of design, fashion and costume with headquarters in Florence, between the young students and the heads of Swatch Group, a company that has always dedicated attention to new creative ideas". The first part of the meeting concentrated on the history of the brand and the composition of the group (Dott.ssa Burdese), while the second part of the meeting concentrated on the concept of creativity (Dott.ssa Cannone). In the afternoon, the students presented a series of proposals, ranging from graphics to packaging, a sign that the press release concluded as "the first step towards a possible future collaboration between the Florentine Accademia and the famous brand. The school has in fact decided to extend this project to an interdisciplinary level involving other research groups from the various departments active within the Accademia Italiana: Fashion Design, Graphic Design and Visual Communications as well as Interior and Product Design". (ANSA press release)
The newspaper, Nuovo Corriere di Firenze, presented the meeting under the title "Swatch: a meeting between creativity and industry", with an article entitled "Telling the time is fashionable". "The young designers at the Accademia Italiana seduce Swatch. The students at the international school of design, fashion and costume chose to design proposals for these contemporary symbolic objects, the most celebrated watches in the world. The students from the Florentine school, under the direction of the professors Fadi Bassil and Walter Conti presented the series of proposals ranging from the graphics to the packaging". The article also mentioned the "presentation of the projects elaborated by the degree students in Graphic Design and Visual Communications with new ideas for a cult object such as the Swatch watches", adding that these meetings are the first step towards a future collaboration between the prestigious Florentine Accademy and the celebrated brand", and also of the intention of the Accademia Italiana to "extend this project to an interdisciplinary level involving other research groups from the various departments active within the Accademia Italiana: Fashion Design, Graphic Design and Visual Communications as well as Interior and Product Design".
The article concluded with reference to a recent project "Restyling the interiors of Tenax discotheque".
The newspaper, La Nazione, dedicated two articles to the event. In the first, entitled "Accademia Italiana creates designs for Swatch watches", the meeting between the students from the design course and important representatives of the company, took into consideration the "watch proposals by the students of the Accademia Italiana, an international school of design, fashion and costume in Florence, who chose to elaborate designs for these symbolic contemporary objects". In the second article, entitled "Young Designers for Swatch", the article traced the encounter from "a series of innovative proposals and of strong creative ideas for the future development of Swatch" to the "constant search for new talents" on the part of the great brand. From these conclusions, a link between Swatch and the school of art, fashion and design is a logical consequence.
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Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design
Three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts