Accademia Italiana, celebrates 30 years
with many new initiatives in the schools in Florence and in Rome.

with many new initiatives in the schools in Florence and in Rome.
Following is our selection of articles from the national press about the institute's activities in areas of fashion, design and photography.
La Nazione
April 18, 2014
Accademia Italiana celebrates its first thirty years on the catwalk
by Eva Desiderio
There was a great celebration of talent, joy, enthusiasm and creativity at the Obihall Theater to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Accademia Italiana, founded by architect Vincenzo Giubba and today one of the most renowned fine arts institutes operating on an international level, with Bachelor's degrees recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) and the possibility of a second degree in an integrated program with Nottingham Trent University. On the runway, over 300 outits designed and created entirely by the graduating fashion design students were greeted with the applause of around 2,000 guests. Also on display during the evening were the student works from the school's prestigious Interior and Product Design, Photography and Graphic Design departments, which complete the educational offerings of the Accademia.
As is its annual tradition, the Accademia Italiana awarded the Pyramid of Excellence prize to important contributors to the art and design fields. The award for high fashion went to Renato Balestra, creator of a very elegant international style, and for ready-to-wear the Pyramid was awarded to Patrizia Bambi, the designer and businesswoman who together with her husband Claudio Orrea founded the successful Patrizia Pepe brand. "I'm happy to receive this award," said Ms Bambi "and am always careful to compare my work to that of the young talent that is the future of the Made in Italy brand."
"After 30 years of work we need to revive ourselves a little and launch new ideas," commented Accademia Italiana's president, Vincenzo Giubba, "and we have many of them, like the AIFA project creating collections designed by our students and produced by African women, our collaboration with female prisoners in Italy, and the Re-Silk project to restore antique Thai silk damaged by flooding that will also be displayed on the runway, thanks to the support of the Queen of Thailand and of the Central Group (which with La Rinascente will sell some of the school's designs) and finally the project with the Klopman company."
There was much applause for the president of Artemide, Ernesto Gismondi, who encouraged the young students to be proud of their Italian creativity and invited them to do internships in his prestigious company, and for artistic photographer Maurizio Galimberti, who was also awarded a Pyramid of Excellence. "There are those who say that Italy is half dead, but they are grossly mistaken. Come and see the great work of the Accademia and the energy of these young students", declared a satisfied Ernesto Gismondi.
April 17, 2014
Grand event at the Obihall Theater: Accademia Italiana Arte Moda Design Fashion Show
by Eva Desiderio
300 outfits created by the Fashion Design students and the Pyramid of Excellence awarded to outstanding masters in diverse fields of art. Works created by the Interior and Product Design students displayed in a special room, including designs for outdoor and indoor furniture, 53 photography works and 22 graphic art designs.
A grand evening of fashion, design and photography tonight at the Obihall Theater, to celebrate 30 years of the international institute founded by architect Vincenzo Giubba, who created a jewel of contemporary culture. On the runway, 300 outfits created by the graduating students of the Fashion Design program. Each of their kaleidoscopic designs was created from the original idea to the pattern, cutting and sewing. In addition works created by the Interior and Product Design students will be displayed in a special room, including designs for outdoor and indoor furniture, 53 photography works and 22 graphic art works.
Overall, a complete panorama of modern creativity that will unfold before the attentive eyes of the many guests of the Accademia Italiana's fashion show, which will culminate with the presentation of the Pyramid of Excellence award that for the past ten years has been bestowed to great contributors to various artistic fields. Among this year's recipients are Roman designer Renato Balestra, a king of high fashion and inventor of a highly refined, international elegance. For ready-to-wear the Pyramid will go to Patrizia Bambi, designer and businesswoman who together with her husband Claudio Orrea founded the Patrizia Pepe brand. "I am very happy to receive this award from the Accademia's young students whose efforts I appreciate," commented Patrizia Bambi. "In my company I enjoy working with the most talented young people because they bring freshness and ideas." Among the latest projects of the Patrizia Pepe brand is an expansion of the accessory line, a sector that is growing both in sales and appreciation worldwide.
The Pyramid of Excellence for interior design will go to Ernesto Gismondi, engineer and president of the lighting giant Artemide, the pride of Italian creativity and of the beauty and bravura of our country. "Just to come to Florence is always a wonderul cultural and emotional experience," explains Mr Gismondi, "and I disagree with those who say that we Italians are half dead. The commitment of these young students and the prestige of the Accademia speak for themselves. We Italians still take the prize for fantasy and creativity. And at Artemide we are ready to open our doors to this institute's talented graduates for internships." On the same wavelength is another prize recipient, Maurizio Galimberti, famous artistic photographer who is equally enchanted by Florence "even if it takes work to avoid the flocks of tourists who ruin the historic center."
For the architect Vincenzo Giubba the Accademia's 30 years have flown by quickly, between the school's artistic workshop and active, contemporary laboratory. "I'm proud to have done it all without anyone else's financing", explains Giubba, "and happy because in these 30 years I was able to do what I like, having fun also."
Among the merits of the Accademia Italiana is the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) recognition of its three-year bachelor's degree, now linked with the English BA awarded by Nottingham Trent University to allow students to earn a double degree. There is also an initiative to support incarcerated Italians, with students designing accessories that are created by the prisoners; the AIFA project that involves African women workers who produce clothing to be sold at la Rinascente in Milan and Florence; a project with Klopman in Frosinone, the leading European producer of technical fabrics, that features the redesign of working clothes full of irony; the Re-Silk program in Bankgok that brings back to life precious antiqute silks recovered after the recent flooding and artistically re-worked by women in Northern Thailand according to the Queen of Thailand's wishes and with the help of the Central Group. Some of these rare outfits will be on display tonight on the catwalk.
April 16, 2014
Accademia Italiana at Obihall Theater
Evening show on the catwalk
And awards of excellence
by Eva Desiderio
Tomorrow evening the Accademia Italiana will celebrate 30 years of activity with a grand evening of fashion and design at the highest level. Founded by architect Vincenzo Giubba, it is today one of the institutions most recognized for its international scope. The works of the graduating students of graphic design, interior and product design and photography will be on display, followed by the fashion show featuring over 300 outfits for the most part inspired by ethical fashion.
Spotlight on the esteemed recipients of this year's Pyramid of Excellence award: for fashion, Renato Balestra, legendary couturier of Roman high fashion, and Patrizia Bambi, designer and businesswoman who founded the famous Patrizia Pepe brand with husband Claudio Orrea. For interior and product design Ernesto Gismondi, founder of Artemide, and for photography Maurizio Galimberti. As the theme for the event Professor Giubba chose "Celebrate" in honor of the institute's thirtieth birthday. Two thousand guests will be ready to applaud the most innovative designs. "The Accademia Italiana," comments Vincenzo Giubba, "has always been oriented toward ethical fashion, such as the outfits developed in the AIFA (Accademia Italiana for Africa) project which were designed by students, created by African women and are to be sold at La Rinascente, and the clothing created by our affiliated Thai institute for the Re-Silk project in Bangkok. The Accademia Italiana, with locations in Florence and Rome, is able to grant two degrees: the Italian BA recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) and the International BA awarded by Nottingham Trent University.
By Laura Antonini
The Accademia Italiana in Florence celebrates three decades of life
On April 17 the big fashion show with the students' creations
It was 1984 when a very young Vincenzo Giubba, fresh out of university with a degree in architecture, gave form to the first headquarters of the Accademia Italiana in Florence. Thirty years have gone by and the idea that is today President of the school of fashion and design with schools in Rome and Bangkok has become an academic reality recognized (also by the Miur - Italian Ministry of Education) for its ability to train capable professionals in the design field.
Like every year, on April 17 the Accademia will celebrate the end of the academic courses with a fashion show at Obihall. "A fashion show - comments Giubba - that will also be the opportunity for us to celebrate our birthday". Thus the main event will be linked to an exhibition and appointments "most of all with the aim of highlighting the creative value of those who learn in our halls the secrets of the fashion world, of interior design and of photography". Once again this year during the evening events there will be the ceremony to award the Pyramid of Excellence which this years is in its tenth edition and is given by the students to illustrious names in the field. "I don't want to unveil the honorees yet because the thing I like about birthdays is the surprise. I can reveal the name of the great Renato Balestra (who will celebrate his 90th birthday in May - editor's note) in recognition of his long career in Alta Moda".
On the top floor of the workshops of the Accademia Italiana, in Lungarno delle Grazie (the main headquarters are in Piazza Pitti) the students in the classrooms are working hard to complete the outfits (300 in all) women and men stars of the show "Celebrate". There is someone who has decided to make 1950's style overcoats following the trend of the upcoming season, another working on hand embroidery and another busy with scissors, ruler and patterns. "Each single design aspect and work in a fashion product, like for that of a furniture prototype or a photographic shot - continues Giubba - takes on life during the hours of lessons and work boasting an academic program that in thirty years we have continually updated to keep abreast of the needs of the market. Because we like to think that anyone who invests in the Accademia Italiana today will have real possibilities of a professional future once they have completed their studies. At the same time, as you will see, in the big event planned for April 17 we will use the news about the anniversary of the Institute to bring to Florence all those environmental projects that are dear to the Accademia and that unite the creativity of our students to an ethical sensibility."
In the foyer of the Obihall Theater there will be an exhibition set up by the students in the courses of design, graphics and photography based on a recycling theme. While on the catwalk together with creations by the students produced with recycled fabrics there will be others just arrived from Africa, a selection of garments from the spring/summer collection produced in collaboration with Franca Sozzani and Vogue Italia through the AIFA (Accademia Italiana for Africa) project, as well as those designed by the Florence fashion students and produce by women in prison in Puglia. "Just a few examples of our ethical commitment in which we are always on the front lines".
30 Years of the Accademia
with Africa in its heart
New projects and a future for young designers
by Eva Desiderio
The Accademia Italiana Arte Moda e Design in Florence and Rome celebrates 30 years of activity.
It's founder and President, Arch. Vincenzo Giubba is justly proud! A long journey, many students educated and now working; the prizes, the satisfaction, the international and national recognition, the latest and the most important by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Universities and Research) as an institute of university standing.
Arch. Giubba, after 30 years what do you remember of that 1984?
"I remember that I was very young, we started very small and without any public support or banks. Florence at that time was still basking in the glory of the Pitti limelight and I was involved in design but felt much closer to fashion. I also knew that fashion was being taught in the parish backrooms and that it was not considered as culture. Instead, I wanted to give it this dignity. Thus, I started with 38 students in via Ricasoli in an apartment. Today, in Florence in Piazza Pitti 600 students are studying, that together with the other campus arrive at 900, that have the opportunity to gain a three-year degree in Fashion Design, Interior Design, Photography or Graphic Design. We are the only private school in Tuscany recognised by MIUR".
An autonomous, self-financed and self-governed school?
"Absolutely right! The Accademia Italiana is all that!"
What are the latest projects?
"I am particularly keen on a project focusing on ethical and ecological fashion. It is called ‘Accademia Italiana for Africa', the AIFA project, and has as its patron, Franca Sozzani, the director of "Vogue Italia". It was launched last year in association with La Rinascente, a retail company who will be selling the products designed by our students and produced in local workshops in Africa. The prototypes are now ready and we are waiting for them to be produced. The bags and accessories will be sold in La Rinascente shops in Milan and in Florence this spring. Then there is also the project involving the re-use of ancient Thai silk, in agreement with the Central Group that in Thailand alone has 1800 shops; the pieces of silk that were salvaged from the flooding two years ago will be re-elaborated by the students and presented at the fashion show in Bangkok and then on the 17th of April here in Florence".
Will the Fashion Show and awarding of the Pyramid of Excellence be held on 17th April at Obihall?
"Yes, our graduating Fashion Design students will be presenting their collections and there will also be 100 teachers from our Florence and Rome schools helping them. There will also be my wife, Mira Kim, who from the beginning, has been the Vice President (she founded the Accademia Italiana with me) and is also one of the main pillars of the School".
Isn't there also this new project for fashionable work outfits? Tell us about it!
"This is also an innovative project which I am particularly close to, that has come about through an agreement between me and Alfonso Marra, head of the Klopman company, that has its headquarters in Frosinone and is a world leader in the production of technical materials for work outfits. Klopman has donated 1000 metres of cotton textile to the students with which to create ironic, fashionable work outfits: a traffic cop in a mini skirt, for example, or a ‘pop art' fireman and many more interesting proposals. The prototypes will be modelled in Florence and the Photography Department will also be collaborating as it is responsible for the Klopman Calendar 2015 and for the upcoming publicity campaign for the Frosinone company".
28th May 2014
Accademia Italiana is inspired by Gattinoni
An exhibition of the creations by 20 students at the Rome school.
(ANSA) - ROME, 28 MAY - There are outfits made from latticed paper used for cake decorations, the voluminous shirts from the Orlando collection, the printed kaftans with the face of Anna Magnani: These are the creations that the 20 students from the Accademia Italiana Arte, Moda e Design in Rome, coordinated by the Stefano Dominella, President of Gattinoni, produced for the exhibition at the Rome school from tomorrow to the 25th July that were inspired by the styles of the Roman fashion house.
12 February 2014
Sexy Traffic Cops and Firemen
The Accademia's Students Redesign Uniforms
Ever since the artist Ernesto Michahelles, known in the art world as Thayaht, made history for his revolutionary design of coveralls, only a few designers have dedicated their attention to work clothes, liberating them from their customary dreariness. It is therefore surprising and delightful to know of the project put together by Klopman, the multinational company that produces high performance technical fabrics, and the Accademia Italiana, the international institute of fashion, design and photography whose students are already at work creating an irreverent and provocative collection. The work clothes are for a publicity campaign this company of American origin, whose headquarters are in Frosinone, which will include shows, trade fairs, events and even a calendar. The collection, according to the intentions of the school (which is now authorized to award both Italian and international bachelor's degrees) is to provide a "fashion push" toward the future design of uniforms for police and firemen but also flight attendants and even environmental workers. The project, a collaboration between Klopman CEO Alfonso Marra and Accademia Italiana's President Vincenzo Giubba, involves both Fashion Design and Photography and New Media students, who will have access to over one hundred meters of technical fabric (a cotton certified to meet environmental and ethical standards) provided by Klopman. The playful collection will be on display at the Obihall on April 17 during the Accademia's usual year-end event, which this year also marks the school's 30th anniversary.
13 February 2014
Fashionable Uniforms for Policemen and Firemen
Young, talented designers focusing on work uniforms. Reinterpreting them are students of the Accademia Italiana, international university-level institute of fashion, design and photography. The project was created in collaboration with Klopman, a leader in the technical and high performance fabrics industry for 40 years, a company of US origins with production and sourcing facilities in Frosinone. The project will involve students from the departments of Fashion Design and graduating Photography and New Media students. Twenty-nine Fashion Design students from the schools in Florence (Piazza Pitti) and Rome (Piazza della Radio), using over one hundred meters of cotton material in colors selected by Klopman, have produced 39 original designs destined for the promotional campaign of the industry specialized in production of technical fabrics, predominantly for uniforms. A provocative collection that will steal the spotlight at the Obihall Theater in Florence, where on April 17 the school will hold its annual year-end event.
MF Fashion
3rd June 2014
Gattinoni, the mini collection on exhibition
By Michela Zio (Rome)
An exhibition that brings to the forefront the Gattinoni archive. Students from the first, second and third year, enrolled in the Fashion Design and Jewellery Design courses at the Accademia Italiana, a Florentine institute with a branch also in the capital, have presented the evolution of Gattinoni through a interpretation of the icon classics from the 50's of Hollywood on the Tiber, to the Emperor lines of the 60's, to the 80's of Raniero Gattinoni, up until the 90's of Guillermo Mariotto, the actual artistic director of the brand.
Incisive the support from the Interior Design students, including those who packaged seven Barbie dolls, that goes without saying, were dressed in period Gattinoni outfits. The exhibition will be open until 29th July in the Accademia Italiana, Piazza della Radio 46 and in February it will move to Oman.
La Repubblica Rome
30th May 2014
On exhibition the history of the Gattinoni fashion house recounted by students of the Accademia.
THE HISTORY of the Gattinoni fashion house recounted by the students in the Fashion Design and Jewellery Design courses at the Accademia Italiana Arte Moda e Design. On exhibition the outfits reinterpreted using alternative materials by the students studying at the Accademia who dream of becoming stylists. Four themes are proposed for the historical pathway: the 1950's origin of the fashion brand and Signora Fernanda who dressed actresses and princesses. The 1960's with the outfits created for Audrey Hepburn, the 1980's of Raniero Gattinoni and to conclude the 1990's up until to day with the creations by Guillermo Mariotto. The exhibition will remain open to the public until 25th July at the school in Piazzale della Radio 46.
Il Tempo
30th May 2014
Piazzale della Radio Accademia Italiana
Emergent stylists re-interpret creations from the Gattinoni fashion house.
Students from the Fashion Design and Jewellery Design courses at the Accademia Italiana Arte Moda Design in Piazzale della Radio 46, coordinated by the professors and by Stefano Dominella, President of Gattinoni Couture, presented the history of the historical fashion brand producing outfits and jewellery inspired from the four significant historical periods of Gattinoni that have left a trace in the life of this celebrated Roman fashion house. The exhibition was entirely designed and set up by the students and professors of the Interior Design Department at the Accademia Italiana. It winds its way throughout the School in a creative walkway and it was inaugurated by Vincenzo Giubba, President of the Accademia Italiana as well as by Dominella.
Present at the inauguration were personalities from the world of fashion, art and culture. Guillermo Mariotto the creative director for Gattinoni Couture, the oscar winner Gianni Quaranta, the photographer Paolo Belletti, the television presenter Enrica Bonaccorti, the fashion critic Bonizza Giordani Aragno and the Minister for Productive Activity in the Rome City Council Marta Leonori, the journalist Maria Concetta Mattei, the sociologist Francesco Morace, Beppe Convertini and Marta Flavi.
30th May 2014
ACCADEMIA ITALIANA Exhibition opening
Gattinoni 2.0 The talents and the myth
By Stefania Cigarini
Better than Project Runway, the talents of the young stylists, because here there is talent to sell, but above all, it can be personally observed visiting the exhibition Oh! Moda, Moda! Vuol esser moda.
This phrase from Carlo Goldoni, that the thirty five students aged between twenty and twenty two years old, used as a source of inspiration to reinvent the style of the historical Italian fashion brand, Gattinoni. Stefano Dominella, President of the fashion house and professor himself, opened to the students in the Fashion Design and Jewellery Design courses as well as to the students and professors in the Interior Design courses for the exhibition set-up, the archives of the fashion house in order to allow them to breath in the air that is not oxygen, but is the history of Italian fashion. It is thus that the dress for nomination of the oscar for ‘War and Peace', worn by Audrey Hepburn, is transformed between cakes, balloons, cake papers: and like wise along the four themes that represent the history of Gattinoni: the 50's and Hollywood on the Tiber, the 60's and the Emperor line, the 80's of Raniero Gattinoni, the 90's of Mariotto. Proud, without saying, Dominella and Vincenzo Giubba, President of the Accademia Italiana.
29th May 2014
An interdisciplinary project that becomes the vital lymph for the Italian fashion system and for the dreams of many youngsters that hope one day to become acclaimed and famous stylists such as those to whom they often find inspiration in their creations.
The Gattinoni style reinvented by the students of the Accademia Italiana. A possibility offered by Gattinoni, the historical Roman fashion house that together with the Accademia Italiana - Arte, Moda e Design, in particular the figure of Stefano Dominella, President of Gattinoni and Vincenzo Giubba, President of the Accademia Italiana, who have collaborated to make possible something magic and unique, both for the students and for the history of this Roman fashion house itself.
The fashion design and jewellery design students have reinterpreted the history of the fashion house producing outfits and accessories inspired from the four significant historical periods of this Roman fashion house. A long and meticulous work, but also motivating and enjoyable as witnessed by the students present at the press conference, that was anticipated to the press the set up of the exhibition.
The outfits produced, for example, with paper used for cake decorations or the voluminous shirts from the Orlando collection, the printed kaftans with the face of Anna Magnani, are amongst the many pieces with which the students had to measure themselves taking into consideration also the limitations of the textiles and the designs, the difficulties in producing them and the necessity to take into consideration in the creative process also the successive problems, or rather those that one has to deal with in the production of an outfit or a jewellery piece.
This evening the event, held at the Accademia Italiana, for the inauguration of the exhibition to which amongst many guests will be: Guillermo Mariotto, Artistic Driector from 1988 of Gattinoni, the oscar prize winner Gianni Quaranta, the television presenter Enrica Bonaccorti, the journalist Mirella Milani, the fashion historian Bonizza Giordani Aragno, the journalist Maria Concetta Mattei, the sociologist Francesco Morace and the Minister for Productive Activity from the Rome City Council, Marta Leonori.
Here is the style Gattinoni, reinvented by the students of the Accademia Italiana, recounted in a few photos taken before the press conference. The exhibition will be open from 29th May to 25th July.
29th May 2014
Young designers reinvent the Gattinoni style
Students from the Accademia Italiana Arte Moda Design in Rome recounted the history of the fashion housing producing outfits and jewellery that are today the object of a suggestive exhibition.
by Donatella Polito
When one thinks of the term ‘fashion' it is easy to say that ‘it passes' that ‘it changes' that it is something from other times destined to remain in the historical archives as a reminder of the past, blurred with thoughts and nostalgia. But when it is ‘style' that one speaks of, when the lines of a dress are not confined to a time frame but are timeless, or to age, or to epochs and generations; then it is destined to remain and to re-live through the hands, the eyes, and the breath of whom believes that ‘for always' can also be worn, over and over again.
This is the spirit with which the students from the Fashion Design and Jewellery Design courses at the Accademia Italiana Arte Moda Design, coordinated by the professors and by Stefano Dominella, President of Gattinoni Couture, have recounted the history of the fashion house producing clothes and jewellery inspired from the four most significant historical periods of Gattinoni rediscovering the traces that the past has left in the life of this celebrated Roman fashion house.
After months of intensive work, the students all aged between 20 and 24 years presented their personal interpretations of the celebrated creations following the four themes: Rome of the 1950's, ‘Hollywood on the Tiber' that saw the origins of the brand thanks to the flair of the fonder Fernanda Gattinoni: the 1960's, period of the film ‘War and Peace' and the birth of the ‘Emperor Line', characterised by the splendours gained from the oscar nomination for the clothes worn by Audrey Hepburn; the 1980's, with the creations by Raniero Gattinoni, Fernanda's son who gave the company a turn around with the internationalisation of its brand and to date, that from 1994 has seen Guillermo Mariotto as the Artistic Director of the fashion house.
"It has been lovely to see them work so intensely, this project is a rare example of a true creative laboratory" said Stefano Dominella to the students that he guided in this experience, who have worked in small groups. 9 groups in total, composed of students from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, each group creating 2 outfits, while the 4 periods representative of the history of the fashion house have been equally divided between them in the various themes.
Instead, the Interior Design Department designed the exhibition space and made all the supports working together in one team, coordinated by the professors and by the students in the 3rd year, while the Jewellery Design students made individual jewellery pieces inspired from the same themes as those for the outfits.
The exhibition will remain open to the public from 29th May to 25th July at the Accademia Italiana Rome school.
29th May 2014
Fashion Exhibition in Rome: Gattinoni and the Accademia Italiana
By Ida Galati
"I don't know if I am indispensable to this world, but certainly I know that it is I that has the need to stay in this world". It is what Andrea, 21 years old, a student in Fashion Design at the Accademia Italiana in Rome replied when he was asked why his personal contribution could be important for the future world of fashion.
He had initially replied with a timid "I don't know", and then surprisingly, immediately afterwards, with a disarming reply from his soul.
And it was like this that the students from this prestigious fashion school presented themselves; timid and awkward only in appearance, decisive and heads up high in substance, as confirmed by Stefano Dominella, President of Gattinoni Couture, when commenting on how it is almost impossible to make them change idea. He mentioned this during the press conference held this morning for the presentation of the interdisciplinary project that involved Fashion Design, Jewellery Design and Interior Design students. The project naturally transformed itself into an elegant exhibition that will remain open to the public from 29th May to 25th July 2014 from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00.
Challenge of the project after a semester of study and hard work: reinvent the Gattinoni style realising outfits and jewellery inspired from the four most significant historical periods of the fashion house rediscovering the traces that the past has left in the life of the celebrated Roman fashion house.
From the 1950's those of the Dolce Vita and those in which the fashion brand was born through the talent of the fonder Fernanda Gattinoni, to the 1960's when the fashion house had already 120 workers and produced outfits for Audrey Hepburn in the film ‘War and Peace' that would have won the oscar nomination and launched the Emperor style.
From the 1980's with the arrival of Raniero Gattinoni, Fernanda's son, who proposed alongside the high fashion collections also street wear collections and its opening to the whole world; to the 1990's with the arrival of the creative director Guillermo Mariotto and his flair that would transform each fashion show in a true and unique show.
The exhibition set up, entirely designed and realised by the Interior Design department of the Accademia, works it way throughout the school giving rise to a creative pathway full of meaning in its simplicity.
The few supports made available, in fact demonstrate to all present that when there exists flair and passion, there is no need for expensive textiles; at times even paper can make miracles.
The students knew how to look beyond, proposing completely new elements: the 1960's become cakes and sweets, those everyday things that are left to be infected by Tim Burton.
I leave it to your curiosity to go and discover where and why there is this footprint of this extraordinary producer.
You can visit the exhibition at the Accademia Italiana Arte Moda e Design, Piazzale della Radio 46, Rome.
Other courses
Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design
Three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Interior and Product Design
Three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Photography
Three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts
One-year Fashion Design course
One-year Design course
Fashion Merchandising one-year course
One-year professional course
Professional Photography Course
Professional course in Styling
One-year professional course
Summer course
Summer course
Summer course
Italian Design course
Summer Course
Summer course
Part-time o full-time
One-Year Master in Design Craft
Design beyond limits