Barbara Annunziata

Accademia Italiana Rome

Barbara Annunziata
Barbara Annunziata

Info chiave

Accademia Italiana Roma
Fashion Design
Companies where the instructor has worked

CIAPE (Italian Centre for the Permanent Learning)

Action Women (Social Tailoring)

Azienda di Tessuti Taborelli

ITA (Italian Trade Agency)

Made in Carcere (Social Tailoring)

Accademia Italiana Rome

I design clothes designed to think. Just like YOU.

Architect | Fashion designer | Project manager | Innovator.
he activity developed as social space and body architect, is well described by the concept of movement and interaction. There is a fil rouge characterized by the open-minded interpretation of whom lives, makes use of, wears the home-space-garment. And that's how also the archtiecture of the body are meant to follow the changes and the evolution of people that wear them. The body becomes the main character of the fashion object and every garnment is a resilient personal instrument of interpretation.

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