Cecilia Rinaldi

Accademia Italiana Florence

Cecilia Rinaldi
Cecilia Rinaldi

Info chiave

Accademia Italiana Firenze
Fashion Design
Companies where the instructor has worked

Brooklyn Fashion

Tara St James Study

Vacchetta Grassa Cuoieria Artigiana

Carla Martinengo Luxury Exclusive Boutique




Accademia Italiana Florence

Be Nice: there is no Planet B

Class of 1987, made in Modena, since I was young I take part to the Slow Fashion world. After my studies in Accademia Italiana in Florence, I get the Bachelor of Arts at the University of Wales and at Esmod in Berlin. I mastered sartorial techniques that I forge to the the design and to the continuous research of materials studies. I design sustainable and handcraftet fashion collections: the respect of human rights and of the environment are the key points of the ethical design process that I adopt. I contribute to diffuse the sustainable fashion movement in Italy and in the world.

Applying ethical principles, developing ideas and projects that have a positive impact on the future, is the greatest contribution I offer to the institute. To my students I try to give the instruments to acomplish their goals and to be ready to take on challenges and opportunities in a changing world.



I was a Sari




Green Factory


I nostri corsi