Dario Orlandi

Accademia Italiana Florence

Dario Orlandi
Dario Orlandi

Info chiave

Accademia Italiana Firenze
Companies where the instructor has worked

Editorial photography:

Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso

Gruppo Mondadori

Rizzoli - Corriere della Sera

Class Editori

Gruppo Hearst


Corporate photography:

Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri

United Nations Development Programme

Gruppo Richemont

Twentieth Century Fox



Curatorship and culture of photography:

Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

Fratelli Alinari SpA

Photolux Festival

Photolux Magazine

Accademia Italiana Florence

A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera.

I'm 44 years old and I'm a professor and coordinator for the Bachelor and Master in Photography at Accademia Italiana. Since 2002 I've been working as a professional photographer and since 2004 as a publicist journalist. I work as an image consultant for companies and photographic projects, I write about photography in specialized magazines. I have been teaching photography for over 10 years: teaching is an extraordinary opportunity to grow and deepen together with my students.



Exhibition "Osservazioni sul paesaggio"

Fondazione Vittoriano Bitossi

Microcosmo Palazzo Strozzi

Green Factory

Exhibition "I Testimoni del nostro tempo"

I nostri corsi