A graphic restyling for Jacquard Lab

Florence, May 29, 2024 - Master students realize the rebranding of a fashion company

A graphic restyling for Jacquard Lab
A graphic restyling for Jacquard Lab

Florence, May 29, 2024 - Master students realize the rebranding of a fashion company

The Master in Fashion Design Management and Jacquard Lab collaborate for a new project: renewing the brand image, developing branding strategies and social content.



Florence, May 29, 2024


A new collaboration between the freshman year of the Master in Fashion Design Management and Jacquard Lab, a textile design studio whose core business is the development of high-quality fabrics and products, sustainable, of natural origin and limiting the use of synthetic fibers to a minimum.


Within the course of Advertising Communication, the students of the first year, led by the teacher Gianluca Piovesan have started an educational project with the aim of renewing the brand image. Starting from an in-depth analysis of the brand, its communication and its competitors, the young creatives divided into teams, have developed a strategy to define the Jacquard Lab Branding, devise an editorial plan for the social Meta and redesign the website.

The students, within the rebranding operation, will also try to develop the merchandising, creating innovative and contemporary textile prints, in line with the company, guided by professor Cecilia Rinaldi.


Through constant contact with the company and with the valuable support of the teacher, students were able to put their skills into practice in a real professional context.

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