The Accademia Italiana presents: "The New Seduction"
Florence - Saschall Theater - April 26, 2006

Florence - Saschall Theater - April 26, 2006
Have the rules in the game of seduction perhaps changed in this age of globalization?
The young designers of the Accademia Italiana have given their answer, proposing to the public of more than 2,000 invited guests their creations following the theme: "The New Seduction", ranging from fashion to design objects to furnishings as well as graphics and photography.
The event, held on April 26 at Saschall Theater in Florence, was received with enthusiasm by the international public made up of representatives of the world of fashion, art, culture, as well as the press.
In the afternoon the creations of the students of Interior and Product design, Graphic design and the Masters program in Fashion Photography were presented in an exhibition.
The evening was concluded with a fashion show that included two ballets with costumes created by the students in the department of Set and Costume design from the Rome headquarters of the Accademia Italiana.
Among those present were Elio Fiorucci, guru of young, innovative fashion, Beppe Menegatti, theater director, Gianni Quaranta, set designer and academy award winner, Stefano Guerriero, up and coming fashion designer, Anna Anni, who has won numerous awardes for her costume design and who is currently being celebrated in Florence with a special exhibition at the Pitti Palace dedicated to her works.
A special welcome was reserved for the internationally famous ballerina, Carla Fracci, who received from the President of the Accademia Italiana the "Pyramid", symbol of friendship dedicated each year to an honored guest.